Georgia 811 Member Education

Georgia 811 wants to remind members of their responsibility to regularly update their Service Area Maps.

  • At a minimum, members are required to update their map when new facilities are acquired or installed outside of their current service area.
  • Recommendation: establish a protocol where Service Area Maps are checked on a regular basis depending on your rate of facility installation or acquisition.
    • This Includes, but is not limited to, service area drops to individual residences and addresses.
  • Consequences: If your maps are not updated, you may be left off of tickets where you have underground facilities. If there are signs of an unmarked utility at a dig site, the excavator must stop their work and contact Georgia 811. Unmarked facilities can lead to delays in the safe digging process, service interruptions, costly repairs, injury, and death. Remember, if an excavator finds signs of an unmarked utility at their dig site and the member does not mark their facilities, the member is responsible for paying the cost of the excavator hiring a private locator plus any downtime acquired by the excavating crew (Georgia Dig Law 25-9-7 (f)).
  • For information on how to update your Service Area Maps, please visit the Member Resource Page and scroll down to Service Area Map Management on the left column. There you will find instruction manuals and video tutorials on how to update your maps.
  • Need Assistance? Customer Connections would be happy to assist you with any questions or issues. They can be reached at or at 770-623-5786.